- 2003
In 2003 MidTenn Enterprises was formed in Murfreesboro, TN by David and Treva Finley. The company's first website, was published in July of 2003. MidTenn Enterprises built, promoted, and maintained websites for other companies. In December of 2003, the name of the company was changed to World Net Enterprises, AKA "WNE". In addition, the company flagship website, was built, later to be shortened to (this website).
- 2004
WNE's first company owned and operated ecommerce shopping website,, the Taser SuperStore was built and published in 2004. The domain was later renamed, in March of 2021.
- 2009
Company owned and operated was launched in March of 2009. This website offered over 140,000 vacuum, carpet cleaner, warehouse, parking lot and street sweeper parts and consumables that are shipped worldwide.
In May of 2009, the company moved into a suite of offices located in the Cumberland Building in Murfreesboro, TN. Prior to this, Dave, Treva, and the staff worked remotely from their homes.Cumberland Building, Murfreesboro, TN
- 2011
Operations expanded to a second suite of offices that adjoined the original office suites. The street front reception area was converted to a retail store, Self-Defense Products & More. The store offered self-defense products, personal alarms, hidden cameras and much more.
Company Offices, Retail Store & Staff
- 2017
The company relocated from Murfreesboro, TN to Harrison, AR in October 2017.
- 2021
The website domain name, (the Taser Superstore) was changed to in March of 2021.
- 2022
Even though WNE consistently built and maintained ecommerce and brochureware websites for other companies since the beginning, in January of 2022, WNE started building and maintaining websites for other companies that are specifically dedicated to the sale of self-defense, hunting and home protection products. This new division was launched under the domain names, and
- 2023
In July of 2023 a variety of services were added, including social media integration, SEO, CSS, HTML1-HTML5, content management, product development and publishing, order processing automation, and data management automation.
- 2024
The domain name of was changed to in June of 2024. The website still offers parts for cleaning machines, but also parts for other types of machinery, such as yard equipment, chainsaws, drills, kitchen appliances and much more, increasing the total parts offering to over 3 million.
Committed to ExcellenceWorld Net Enterprises strives to satisfy customers by meeting their demands of quality, responsiveness, and competitive pricing. We will accomplish the following by conducting business with integrity, while seeking profitability and the gratification of a job well done.
• Deliver flawless quality products and services at competitive prices
• Be timely, responsive & predictable in the products and services we deliver
• Configure all processes for optimum performance
• Contribute to society as an active business entity
• Be committed to excellence in the results we achieve and how we achieve them
- 2011